Sunday, December 9, 2007

Olsen Christmas 07 -- are you THERE??

Hi there all my favorite family members. Dixie here, just wondering if this blog thing is working for everyone?? If anyone has any questions, please call me and I will walk through this.

Do you know there are about 47 of us all around the globe working to help others at this time of year. If each of us participate, there will be so many people touched with love. It just gives me chills thinking about this. I am so excited to hear from everybody. Please don't think it has to be something big. It is the little acts of daily kindness, and spending time with others that really make a difference.

I sure love everybody and I thank you all for what you are doing.
Sister Dixie
Aunt Dixie or whatever you want to call me!! (Be nice)


Laura said...

ok, ok here goes

Daryl Olsen said...

I finally got going with my blog but I can't get my pictures to appear with my message.