Everyday I have been trying to do small acts of service. As I have served, I have received so much more. I have noticed the love of others and not been so cynical. At night when I go to bed and think of my day, I realize how much I am blessed. Before I lay my head on my pillow I realize that like 5 other random people have given me something, or just called me on the phone out of the blue, or came and helped to light all of our 150 luminaries, or when I go to seminary, I look at my students and feel their love every morning. This is what Christmas is all about. It shouldn't end. I am thankful for the TIME I have had to learn how important TIME is!
(side-note)I love these pics of Davy. He has taught me to be more loving and believing. I love his eyes. Happiness shines straight from his eyes to my heart. He sat on Santa's lap and looked with awe and wonderment. Santa will get Davy a remote control bull dozer for sure! He knows that!! Ben and I took Davy for a Saturday of fun. We all had a great time!!
I Love you all!!
i know that your seminary students appreciate all that you do for them. if not right at this time, then they will down the road. you do so many things for others and hardly take time for yourself. you are the best mom ever!!
You have 150 luminaries? In your yard? Wow!!! And I also know how lucky the Seminary students are to have you as their teacher. And I also know that your knowledge and understanding of the gospel has grown. This is to your advantage and blessings. I think of my family and all their talents and desires to do what is right to better themselves and to help others. We will all grow and be so blessed for our desires to serve others. It's interesting how our thoughts have focused on others as we were challenged at Thanksgiving time to give of ourselves. It's not that we haven't already done this on our own, but our daily thoughts have gone to "what can I do to help others?"
I want to be feel as happy as Davy looks in those pictures!
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