Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I was just thinking... (this is something [thinking] that comes really hard for me to do)Today in seminary we finished 4 Nephi. I wonder how wonderful it would have been for the 1st hundred years after Christ had been among the people. Everyone was kind, and tolerant, they were of one heart and one mind. Their thoughts were good, with only good intentions, the people truly had the light of Christ. They truly believed His words. They walked the straight and narrow path he taught them about. There were no classes among them. Wow, I marvel how this was done. First was the changing of self. Mastering oneself that is. It can be done....it was done in Enoch's time also. So, I must take every efforts to learn of the teachings of Christ and instill them in my heart and act as I have been taught. I want to be among those people that happiness was all they encountered. The plan of happiness was understood, so therefore when trials came into their lives it was understood and did not become a burden, or a stumbling block. The people cared about each other and put their shoulder to the wheel and moved forward. They taught their children to do the same. It is interesting how we teach our children. Our every words will be remembered, our every action will be remembered....our children will remind of this whether they tell us about it or they emulate "us" in them as they go about their lives. Wow! I think I am talking in circles right now, but I believe it is true. When we slip up....we do affect those around us...the second half of 4 Nephi explains that...it started with a small portion of the people removing themselves away from the teachings of Christ...then it tumbles ever so quickly to confusion and pride and hatred. All it takes is a small portion and the decay comes quickly until there is physical and most importantly spiritual harm and even death!
Repentance is truly a gift from our Savior. How thankful I am for the opportunity to repent. I must keep out the little things or small portions I still allow in my life, cuz "I don't think they will affect me." I must remove them from my"self"....it is a straight and narrow path...no room for excess which doesn't bring eternal happiness.

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