My July was wonderful. It was a full month of getting ready for reunions and having reunions and reaping the joys of reunions. I loved what we did and accomplished at the Olsen reunion on Saturday, July 26th and the preparations before it. Having my daughters here cutting and sanding wooden blocks with their dad; for the house full of family coming and going and for the effort it took for each one participating was wonderful and rewarding. Thanks Dixie for all the work you put forth to organize us and for us to follow through on our quilts and the eagerness and time it took to paint all those wooden blocks. We're all trying to follow through with our commitment in giving of ourselves all year long like we did at Christmas time. I like to invite the older sisters in the ward to go with me to the Hale Theatre; those that are more homebound and those that are widowed. They love it and it does a lot for me too.
After the Olsen reunion on Saturday I had a Spencer gathering the following day on Sunday. This also turned out phenomenal. They just kept coming and coming and coming. It was a super evening together getting acquainted with one another. In Wayne's family (which is made up of three families) this is the first time they had all been together, so it was "get acquainted" time for them and they were thrilled to link themselve
Hi Mom,
Thanks for posting the pics of one of my favorite days of the year!!!
Thanks for all your hard work mom, and also providing almost all the stuff that was donated. I love being with my family!!! I have many pics also I will put on this blog.
Tug-a-wars are still cool!!!
i wish i could have been there so bad. i just love those kinds of things!!
thanks for the cd's g-ma. addy loves them!!
Those pictures are great!
It was a fun Olsen Reunion, especially the tug of war and the races! The kids loved that part the best. I think the adult men quite enjoyed it too! :)
Grandma, Dixie and whoever else uses this blog....I have made my blog private but I want to add you guys so you can still view it if you want to. Email me at and give me your email address and I will take care of it.
I never commented on this family reunion post but we had a total BLAST!! It was so much fun to see everyone even if we did have to do service projects:) just kidding, it was great, super job Dix!!!!
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