I'm taking a history class learning how to spice up my life history. I've located a lot of pictures that better defines my life and adds so much. For instance here is a picture of our home on 3269 So. 2nd West as you can see. This is before Daddy remodeled our home. He was a handy man. I hope my family's actively involved writing in their journals and writing up their histories. This is for your posterity.
Thanks for the pic Mom. I remember that house. It was pink?! Wow, he did remodel it. There is still hope for my home!!! Time is all it needs-oh, I mean, time working on it. he he he
I remember the grass between the driveway. The garage out back too.
Thanks mom,
Yeah I need to be a better history buff of myself. Is this an Olsen curse? I just went to a big stake relief society meeting on getting this stuff done! It did inspire me!
I sent this to Matthew. He will like it. He is using genealogy over there to help with missionary work. The love genealogy, and family history. So any stories you can write to him he will appreciate.
Love dixie
I remember running through the sprinklers on the South lawn. Cindee and I asked Grandma Spencer if we could, and she said yes. But she did'nt hear our question right and we really could'nt get wet because we had just been cleaned up to go somewhere else. that was the only time Grandma scolded us.
Thanks for posting this gma. I love learning more about you and Gpa and how/where you were raised....what your childhood was like, etc. It is so important for us to know where we come from, so we can glean from all the good things in our line of history/genealogy and use these valuable lessons in raising the next generations. Family history should be a huge part in rearing and training our young families.
Thanks for posting this!!
love, Bossy
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